What we Do
#1 Mutual Fund
Mutual Fund is one of the best investment tool which helps you to create wealth. There are lot of mutual funds schemes available in the market to invest, it creates confusion in investor’s mind. It seems difficult for investor to choose a right fund for himself/herself. We are here to help you for choosing a right mutual fund in your financial journey.
#2 National Pension System (NPS)
Life’s real journey begins with retirement and NPS is a perfect solution for retirement planning. Pension plans provide financial security and stability during the old age when people don’t have a regular source of a income. To make your retire life hassle free we are here to help you to plan your old age income with National Pension System.
#3 Life Insurance
Life Insurance is securing you and your family financially. Life Insurance makes sure your loved ones won’t suffer financially in your absence. There is no way to replace a loved one but the planning with life insurance does help in taking care of the financial needs of the family. We are here to protect your family financially with the life insurance from uncertain life events.
#4 Health Insurance
Medicare or medical costs rising year on year.For individual who hasn’t save that much money,arranging for funds at the eleventh hour can be a task. The best way to provide for medical emergencies is by taking health insurance. With the health insurance, you are assured of a more secure future both health wise and money wise. And we are here to help to choose a right health insurance plan for you and your family.
General insurance helps you protect yourself and things you value such as your home,car,bike,valuables, from the financial impact of risks, big and small from fire, flood, storm and earthquake,to theft, car accidents, travel mishaps and even from the costs of legal actions against you. And we are here to help you by choosing right kind of policy with the features you need.
#6 Bonds
Along with bond investment through mutual funds, we are providing services for various government bonds like RBI Bonds and Capital Gain Bonds. If you are looking for investment in fixed income instruments then Bond market investment creates a good opportunity for you to earn a fixed income.
#7 Gold Investment
There are a plethora of precious metals, but gold is placed in high regard as investment. Gold investment can be done in many forms like buying jewelry, coins, bars. Gold exchange traded funds, Gold funds, Sovereign Gold Bond schemes etc. It is little difficult for investor to choose a right form of gold investment. We are here to help you to choose suitable form of gold investment with maximum benefit and more ease.
#8 Peer to Peer Lending
Peer-to-Peer lending, also referred to as P2P lending is an alternative financing method that allows individuals through online lending platforms. Through these platforms, borrowers who seek unsecured personal loans can get in touch with investors who are willing to lend them. If you are looking for a loan then you can connect with these platforms through us.
#9 Stocks
Equity is one of the best asset classes for investment. You can take this opportunity through us. Through our platform, you can open a new Demat account, apply for IPOs, add new stocks to your portfolios, view your portfolio and check your live holdings.
#10 Accounting
Accounting is an important part of any business, as it keeps a systematic record of the organization’s financial information. Up to date records help users compare current financial information to historical data. With full, consistent and accurate records, it enables users to assess the performance of the organization over a period of time. We would like to assist you to grow your business by keeping your account records up to date.
#11 Taxation
Taxation presents arguably the most dynamic and complex challange in the context of financial planning. Ever changing rules and legislation are matched only by the new methods devised to make the discharging of tax liabilities as efficient as possible. When it comes to tax planning and stratrgy, every case is unique. Our approach remain versatile with an awareness that individual issues must be dealt with on their own merits but with the overall long term considerations always in mind.
#12 Will Writing
The importance of making a Will allows a person to decide what to do with their assets, holdings, and other belongings, after their demise. It informs beneficiaries about the necessary wealth, how to be distributed, to whom, and in what manner. Considering this, we are helping our clients to make a Will for their valuable assets and holdings.